Babolat RDC: Swingweight-Messung funktioniert nicht mehr

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  • ruru33
    Neuer Benutzer
    • 25.12.2015
    • 16

    Thank you, I'll try to fill numbers in the ETAL screen.

    Where exactly should I see the number 100 when manually moving the racquet holder?

    Kind regards


    • fritzhimself
      • 01.02.2006
      • 5662

      After putting in all the data details, switch back to the local screen - press the button 4- red light on - move the racquet holder- you will see in the last row the number 100, if the system runs correctly.
      Zuletzt geändert von fritzhimself; 29.12.2015, 11:01.


      • ruru33
        Neuer Benutzer
        • 25.12.2015
        • 16

        Ok, thank you.

        On my side, it still always displays 0, even after having put various values in the ETAL screen.

        The racquet holder position seems to be properly acquired, as the the 6th value on the first "technician" screen changes between 795 and 1017 depending on the holder position.

        What I need to understand is why the swingweight is however always 0... I don't know if the lost memory could impede the proper computation of a SW value. It should probably only lead to an unaccurate value, but no more.

        Do you have the same values between 7,95x10^2 (ie 795) and 1,017x10^3 (ie 1017) on the 6th value of the first "technician" screen, depending on the racquet holder position ?

        Thanks again, best regards,


        • fritzhimself
          • 01.02.2006
          • 5662

          Zitat von ruru33
          Do you have the same values between 7,95x10^2 (ie 795) and 1,017x10^3 (ie 1017) on the 6th value of the first "technician" screen, depending on the racquet holder position ?
          ??.......could you post some pictures from the differet screens?

          I am not a RDC technican - only user.


          • ruru33
            Neuer Benutzer
            • 25.12.2015
            • 16

            Dear fritzhimself,

            You'll find attached 3 pictures of the first "TEST" screen, displayed after having entered the technician code.

            On the left row of numbers, you can see that the 6th number from the top has 3 different values which depend on the position of the racquet holder:
            - At neutral position: it displays 8,88x10^2 (ie 888)
            - Fully on one side : it displays 7,95x10^2 (ie 795)
            - Fully on the other side: it displays 1,017x10^3 (ie 1017)

            Do you have the same values on your RDC (also for other ones...) ?

            Many thanks again for your help!
            Best regards
            Angehängte Dateien


            • fritzhimself
              • 01.02.2006
              • 5662

              Zitat von ruru33
              Do you have the same values on your RDC (also for other ones...) ?
              Sorry about the late reply.

              This is the screen without any movement for 3 seconds.

              the lines are constantly in motion.


              • ruru33
                Neuer Benutzer
                • 25.12.2015
                • 16

                Many thanks!

                On 6th value of LH column, you have nearly the same value as on my RDC when the racquet holder is at neutral position (you have 8,68*10^2 where I have 8,88*10^2).

                Could you please also take a picture whith the racquet holder fully rotated on one side, and one when fully rotated on the other side, to see if you have the same limit values as mine ?

                Thanks again, best regards,


                • lissi27
                  • 30.04.2008
                  • 660

                  If the RDC lost vitale product data in the memory, i think the battery voltage is to low (3,6 V).
                  Is the voltage < 3,4 V, than a new battery is necessary.
                  Zuletzt geändert von lissi27; 04.01.2016, 22:06.


                  • fritzhimself
                    • 01.02.2006
                    • 5662

                    Zitat von ruru33
                    Could you please also take a picture whith the racquet holder fully rotated on one side, and one when fully rotated on the other side, to see if you have the same limit values as mine ?


                    • ruru33
                      Neuer Benutzer
                      • 25.12.2015
                      • 16

                      Many thanks fritzhimself!
                      You have values very similar as mine: 771 vs 785, 868 vs 888 and 995 vs 1017. I don't think that this could explain the fact that my system can't compute any SW value... I'll however try to re-center the potentiometer to have values closer to yours.
                      I'll let you know..
                      Thanks again, Best regards,


                      • ruru33
                        Neuer Benutzer
                        • 25.12.2015
                        • 16

                        Dear lissi27,

                        I found the static RAM chip on the main board: it is a Sony CXK581000M. The datasheet of the chip found on the net says that it can keep the data with voltage values down to 2V. My battery doesn't yet go under 2,6V, which is much less than the 3,6 nominal voltage, but still high above the 2,0V.

                        Do you have an experience of the battery having to be replaced in such a situation where the SW always displays 0 ?

                        Many thanks, best regards,


                        • lissi27
                          • 30.04.2008
                          • 660

                          Die Batterie ist meines Wissens keine Batterie sondern ein Akkumulator.
                          Ich würde das Gerät zwei Tage eingeschaltet am Stromnetz lassen um den Akku auf zu laden. .Dann sollte die Spannung wieder höher sein.
                          2,6 V sagt aus, der Akku ist entladen, verbraucht, zu alt und wird eines Tages gar keinen Strom mehr liefern. Ein neuer Akku wäre ratsam!
                          Nur den alten Akku auslöten ist nicht so einfach. Denn dann wären die IC´s (chips) für kurze Zeit ganz ohne Spannung.
                          Zur Sicherheit deshalb bitte mit einer anderen Batterie die Spannung, während des Ein- und Auslötens, zwischenzeitlich puffern, damit keine Informationen (VPD) verloren gehen können und das Board mit ESD-Kit gegen Überspannung schützen.
                          Ob damit der Fehler behoben ist, kann ich nicht sagen. Das zur Batterie oder Akku gesagte, ist allgemein gültig.


                          • lissi27
                            • 30.04.2008
                            • 660

                            Die Firmware kann man in der Regel über die serielle Schnittstelle neu einspielen.
                            Häufig sterben die Elektrolytkondensatoren nach vielen Jahren Einsatz. Diese kann eine Elektronik-Werkstatt alle prophylaktisch austauschen, wenn nicht ein Sensor o. a. Bauelement in der Eingangsstufe defekt gegangen ist. Dies kann auch nur eine Fachwerkstatt mittels Elektronik-Analyser feststellen.


                            • ruru33
                              Neuer Benutzer
                              • 25.12.2015
                              • 16

                              Dear lissi27,
                              I'm sorry but I do not accurately understand german. I prefer french or english...
                              In french "batterie" stands for "akkumulator"... I'll let it charging for several hours and its voltage raised up to 3,2V.
                              There is no capacitor that has visible sign of defect, and I'm still struggling to find the origin of the problem...
                              Best regards,


                              • ruru33
                                Neuer Benutzer
                                • 25.12.2015
                                • 16

                                Dear fritzhimself,
                                I have a complementary question for you: I see on your pictures that the 8th and 9th values on the left column are always displaying -3. On my RDC, these values are constantly in motion between -1 and -3.
                                Could you please tell me if yours are effectively stable, and if you find some actions on your RDC that make them change values ?
                                Thanks again, best regards,

