Custom Tennis Racket Paintjob Service
Two very good friends of mine have had some of their rackets custom-painted at this guy's shop here in Western Greece. They say he's done excellent job. The million-dollar-question from my end was about the final specs tolerance and they both told me that the final unstrung weight, balance and swingweight came on spec (pre-paintjob specs).
Just attaching a link below, no profit from me whatsoever like has been the case about everything I've posted here.
Two very good friends of mine have had some of their rackets custom-painted at this guy's shop here in Western Greece. They say he's done excellent job. The million-dollar-question from my end was about the final specs tolerance and they both told me that the final unstrung weight, balance and swingweight came on spec (pre-paintjob specs).
Just attaching a link below, no profit from me whatsoever like has been the case about everything I've posted here.