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  • Field

    Have sold a set Head Rip Control to Goldeagleno1.
    He recieved the set on 22/08 (confirmed by PM) but even today the amount isn't transfered
    I'm not angry for the money, it's just the principle



    • howy
      • 25.09.2001
      • 8275

      Grosses Lob an Elmago.
      Deal mit den Gosen--Saiten hat gut geklappt.
      Kleiner Rat am unteren Rand: "Benutze mal die Suchfunktion!"


      • electric
        • 22.08.2006
        • 225

        Vielen Dank an Lapancho für das sehr schnelle und problemlose Geschäft
        "Die Coolness muss im Subtext mitschwingen..."


        • Benedikt

          vielen dank an Lapancho an Silence Bob für die super schnelle Lieferung, ach den Duck hab ich vergessen mit seinen super Pacific-Tüten echt super die Dinger
          Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 05.10.2006, 18:25.


          • schorsch
            • 26.04.2006
            • 1793

            field ? what? that guy even told you he got the package and still he didnt pay? how arrogant is that?
            menno! das ist aber ein toller typ dieser goldeagleno1
            Prince O3 Speedport White MP Pro
            fav' players:
            Jankovic, Sharapova, Zvonareva, Kirilenko, Vesnina, Djokovic, Tipsarevic, Davydenko, Baghdatis, Wawrinka


            • Field

              Zitat von schorsch
              field ? what? that guy even told you he got the package and still he didnt pay?


              • electric
                • 22.08.2006
                • 225

                ich muss mich über terrier beschweren....die lieferung ging noch viel schneller als er gesagt hat eine unverschämtheit ist das

                "Die Coolness muss im Subtext mitschwingen..."


                • matchball40
                  Neuer Benutzer
                  • 08.01.2006
                  • 15

                  Auch ich kann electrics Lob über Terrier (und Killerbine) nur bestätigen!!

                  Vorgestern Abend bestellt, heute schon da und es war ein supernetter Kontakt!!

                  Bei Euch kaufe ich jederzeit wieder!


                  • Goldeagleno1

                    Zitat von Field
                    Have sold a set Head Rip Control to Goldeagleno1.
                    He recieved the set on 22/08 (confirmed by PM) but even today the amount isn't transfered
                    I'm not angry for the money, it's just the principle

                    what a cheaply argue

                    you announced me not about a time of 3 weeks because of the money. I thought it is transfered because you don't answer anymore about the time of 3 weeks.

                    ..and then come and annoy

                    sorry this is your own dept, when something is not right then say it to me. I'm the last who don't pay for a Ware.


                    • Roger Federer

                      hab vor kurzem erneut 30 wilson pro overgrip bei schwarz76 gekauft.
                      hat alles perfekt geklappt. gerne wieder!!

                      außerdem hab ich ein tauschgeschäft mit tennisgolfnarr abgeschlossen.
                      sein head prestige classic 600 war in einem fast neuwertigen zustand!! natürlich gerne wieder!!


                      • Field

                        Zitat von Goldeagleno1
                        what a cheaply argue

                        you announced me not about a time of 3 weeks because of the money. I thought it is transfered because you don't answer anymore about the time of 3 weeks.

                        ..and then come and annoy

                        sorry this is your own dept, when something is not right then say it to me. I'm the last who don't pay for a Ware.
                        "you announced me not about a time of 3 weeks because of the money. I thought it is transfered because you don't answer anymore about the time of 3 weeks."

                        I told you several times by PM the amount wasn't transfered. If I have to pay something and one week later I notice the amount isn't transfered I would start to ask myself questions, but hey, that's just me.

                        "sorry this is your own dept, when something is not right then say it to me"

                        What are you trying to tell me? This is my fault? As I said ...I would start to ask myself questions.

                        "I'm the last who don't pay for a Ware"

                        I never said that.

                        For me this discussion is closed.



                        • DralliaufsBalli

                          Mein Dank zurück an Matchball 40,Electric und Bürger.

                          Hat alles perfekt geklappt



                          • Goldeagleno1

                            Zitat von Field
                            "you announced me not about a time of 3 weeks because of the money. I thought it is transfered because you don't answer anymore about the time of 3 weeks."

                            I told you several times by PM the amount wasn't transfered. If I have to pay something and one week later I notice the amount isn't transfered I would start to ask myself questions, but hey, that's just me.

                            "sorry this is your own dept, when something is not right then say it to me"

                            What are you trying to tell me? This is my fault? As I said ...I would start to ask myself questions.

                            "I'm the last who don't pay for a Ware"

                            I never said that.

                            For me this discussion is closed.


                            I don't want annoyance with you.

                            But it is not strange when i've tried to transfer the money by second time and after three weeks you write such things. Without inform me ? How can i react then ? Not true ?

                            and yesterday i was again by the bank and they said me that it gives sometimes problems with their system. This wasn't not the first transferproblem they said.

                            Now i tried it again, please check your account and let me know.


                            • DralliaufsBalli

                              Sorry Goldeagleno1 dazu mus ich jetzt auch mal was sagen !

                              das gleiche hab ich von dir auch schon öfters gehört blos auf deutsch

                              Mus ja ne lausige bank sein bei der man alles 3 mal überweisen mus

                              nach 3 wochen und androhung des chefs( ) hats dann geklappt .

                              glaub nicht das hier schon mal jemand probleme mit Field gehabt hat.



                              • moya fan
                                • 15.04.2004
                                • 14251


                                hab einmal mit Field gedealt. Hab ihm seinerzeit nen Völkl Schläger verkauft. Binnen einer Woche hatte ich meine Kohle und er sein neues Racket.
                                Faves Players:Pouille, Simon,Verdasco,Murray,Ferrer,Nishikori,Zverev,Fognini.
                                Wenn du dir ein Ziel gesteckt hast, verfolge es mit aller Konsequenz und Beharrlichkeit und lasse dich nicht von eventuellen Rückschritten irritieren.

