Blake mit Break vorne! 4:6 6:5
- US Open 2005 Diskussion & Bilder -
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler
YES!!!!! Spiel Satz Sieg BlAkE!!!!!! bam bam bam!!!!!4:6 7:5 6:3 6:2
Bei so einer Freundin würde ich aber auch wirklich alles treffen......konnts mir nicht verkneifenKommentar
Habe vorhin noch ein wenig von dem Match gesehen. Gasquet war 2:1 Sätze vorn und hatte bereits ein Break im vierten vor. Allerdings wurde er ständig am Schlagarm behandelt. Ich vermute mal im 5. Satz ging daher leider nix mehr.
Wunderbar, Kiefer-Federer wird nicht in der Night Session gezeigt sondern direkt nach Hewitt-Hrbaty. Wenn sich die beiden beeilen, kann man Kiwi noch zu annehmbarer Zeit schaun.Kommentar
ne Chance hat man immer,geht ja schließlich bei null los.Aber ich schätze Hewitt zur Zeit schon stärker ein,sodaß er dieses Match zu seinen Gunsten entscheiden sollte.Auch hier tippe ich wieder auf vier Sätze.
JensFaves Players:Pouille, Simon,Verdasco,Murray,Ferrer,Nishikori,Zverev,Fognini.
Wenn du dir ein Ziel gesteckt hast, verfolge es mit aller Konsequenz und Beharrlichkeit und lasse dich nicht von eventuellen Rückschritten irritieren.Kommentar
da tippe ich doch mal direkt auf Blake.Scheint mir etwas besser drauf zu sein.Wobei Agassi natürlich auch schon sensationelle Matches bei den diesjährigen Open gezeigt hat,aber vier Sätze gegen Berdych,sowie nochmal fünf gegen Malisse könnten schon zu einem Substanzverlust geführt haben.Ich würde es Blake auch mal gönnen.
JensFaves Players:Pouille, Simon,Verdasco,Murray,Ferrer,Nishikori,Zverev,Fognini.
Wenn du dir ein Ziel gesteckt hast, verfolge es mit aller Konsequenz und Beharrlichkeit und lasse dich nicht von eventuellen Rückschritten irritieren.Kommentar
kann mir eigentlich einer hier erzählen, was zwischen massu und coria abging? ich hab das nur am rande mitbekommen. warum sit das der oberschiri gekommen? worüber haben die beiden gestritten?Kommentar
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass Agassi sich gg Malisse teilweise sehr schlecht bewegt hat. Klar er ist nicht der jüngste, aber das wird denke ich der entscheidende Vorteil für Blake sein. Es sei denn Blake fängt so nervös an wie gestern gg Robredo.Kommentar
Zitat von Elenaagassi vs. blake.
was meint ihr, wer macht`s?
Blake hat zwar das ganze Turnier bes. gg. Nadal überragendes Tennis gespielt,aber ich glaub,dass bei Agassi Endstation ist.
Agassi macht einfach die BigPoints,und wird sie auch in diesem Spiel größtenteils machen.Kommentar
Hier noch ein sehr interessanter Nachtrag zum "Fightmatch" Mr.Massu - Mr.Coria..
Massu ist zwar auch von keiner schlechten SorteABER:
Ich fang an Coria zu hassen mittlerweile,lest selbst..
Published: September 6, 2005
The fourth-round match yesterday between Nicolas Massu and Guillermo Coria lasted longer than any other at this United States Open. Coria dispatched Massu, 6-4, 2-6, 6-7 (5), 6-2, 6-2, in 4 hours 32 minutes, and it can safely be said the match did not end a minute too soon.
Coria, an Argentine, and Massu, a Chilean, spent the fifth set exchanging thrilling shots, icy stares and angry words. The ill will between two players who, according to Massu, have no history of bad blood started after the third-set tie breaker, when Massu requested an injury timeout during the changeover because of his sore left hamstring.
Play evidently did not resume soon enough to satisfy Coria, who bounded out of his chair and took his place behind the baseline and impatiently bounced the ball until Massu set up to receive the serve. Coria started the fourth set with a double fault, which undoubtedly did nothing to improve his mood.
But the madder Coria seemed to get, the better he played. He committed three unforced errors in the fourth set after averaging 12 in the first three. The hostilities between them snowballed after Coria seemed to dally between points on his serve in the second game of the fifth set. He said afterward that three of his toenails had ripped off.
Massu, who had never won a set against Coria in two previous meetings, said something to Coria, who said something back, the beginning of a verbal volley that lasted so long that someone in the Armstrong Stadium crowd shouted, "Play ball!"
After Massu held serve at 1-2 in the fifth, the players exchanged words during the changeover, their voices and gesticulations growing animated enough that Mike Morrissey, the tournament supervisor, hurried over to try to put a lid on it.
Coria said later that he told Massu: "Stop being paranoid. Mind your own business."
Coria also told Massu to "take care of your own game," which Massu was unable to do. He committed 16 unforced errors in the last set, converted 44 percent of his first serves and produced a paltry two winners off his forehand side.
"He played better, and I make a lot of mistakes," said Massu, who finished with 80 unforced errors. "I don't think that I lose the match because I start to speak with him. He played better than me in the important moments, and that's it."
Massu expressed respect for Coria as a player, saying, "You have to win the point like four, five, six, seven times." But he seemed befuddled by his deportment. "If his conscience is calm, then fine," he said. "If it's not, then he knows he did something wrong.
"I've got nothing negative to say about Guillermo. I've never felt that we've had a special rivalry. On the contrary, I've always respected him. But he was showing an attitude that I didn't like. He knows what he did. I hope it was just a misunderstanding. I hope that's all it was. And maybe we can talk about it later. I'd appreciate an apology."
Coria could not understand what the fuss was about. The exchange of words, he said through an interpreter, was due to "a misunderstanding." When pressed on the matter by English-speaking reporters, he looked at the Spanish-speaking news media as if to say: Can you believe these guys?
"Four and a half hours," he said. "That was it."
Massu is not the first player to take issue with Coria's behavior on court. In a semifinal victory against Andre Agassi in Rome in May, Coria indicated that a ball that Agassi had hit was out before it bounced. "That behavior is unacceptable," Agassi told reporters afterward.
If Agassi and Coria win their quarterfinal matches, they will meet in the semifinals.Kommentar
Habe gerade mal bei Hewitt - Hrbaty reingeschaut (Hewitt ist durch in drei). Hat jemand von Euch schon mal diesen Tucken-Fummel gesehen, den Hrbaty am Leib hat?Kommentar