1913 Bremen school shooting.
1925 Vilnius school massacre.
1964 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attentat_von_Volkhoven
1983 Eppstein school shooting.
1987 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amoklauf_von_Hungerford
1989 Two students were fatally shot by a 14-year old student at the Raumanmeri secondary school, in Rauma, Finland. The shooter had claimed to be a victim of bullying
1993 A 13-year-old student, waiting at the entrance of the Hauptschule in Hausleiten, shot and wounded the principal of the school with a rifle before committing suicide. The student was caught smoking the day before and the principal told the boy he had to inform his parents about it
1996 Dunblane Massaker (z. B. auch noch vor Columbine)
Mit Sicherheit sind es mehr Vorfälle in den USA, mitverursacht durch die fehlenden Waffengesetze, allerdings gibt es auch viele Vorfälle in Kanada, ein Land mit einer strikteren Regelung.
1925 Vilnius school massacre.
1964 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attentat_von_Volkhoven
1983 Eppstein school shooting.
1987 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amoklauf_von_Hungerford
1989 Two students were fatally shot by a 14-year old student at the Raumanmeri secondary school, in Rauma, Finland. The shooter had claimed to be a victim of bullying
1993 A 13-year-old student, waiting at the entrance of the Hauptschule in Hausleiten, shot and wounded the principal of the school with a rifle before committing suicide. The student was caught smoking the day before and the principal told the boy he had to inform his parents about it
1996 Dunblane Massaker (z. B. auch noch vor Columbine)
Mit Sicherheit sind es mehr Vorfälle in den USA, mitverursacht durch die fehlenden Waffengesetze, allerdings gibt es auch viele Vorfälle in Kanada, ein Land mit einer strikteren Regelung.