Hallo zusammen,
leider hat mein Doppelpartner seinen Badmintonschläger diese Woche ins Jenseits befördert.
Da er unbeindingt das gleiche Modell haben möchte (Yonex Ti-10), dieser aber schon 4 Jahre oder mehr nicht mehr hergestellt wird, geschweige denn in Deutschland noch zu bekommen ist, möchte er evtl in China bestellen.
Diese beiden Shops kommen in Frage:
Die beiden Shops sind soweit ich das in einem Badmintonforum gelesen habe, vertrauenswürdig und liefern orginal Yonex Ware.
Von einem habe ich ein Angebot bekommen:
Yonex Ti-10-New(3U/G4) Racket, 2PCS --US$113*2=US$226
Shipping Fee:
By Air: US$29
By SAL: US$16
All Total Price:
By Air: US$226 +US$29=US$255
By SAL: US$226 +US$16=US$242
Handling charge: US$15 (if you pay by Telegraphic Transfer / Bank Account Transfer.)
Handling charge: US$6 (if you pay by personal check or money order.)
All prices quoted are in US dollars. If you would like to convert US dollars to your currency, you can calculate on this website: www.xe.net/ucc/
Payment options:
1. You can send money to us online by Credit Cards on Western Union 's website ( http://www.westernunion.com ) .
2. You can send money to us by cash in Western Union 's office, you can find your local Western Union 's office on http://www.westernunion.com .
3. You can send money to our bank account by Telegraphic Transfer(Bank Account Transfer) in your local bank.
4. You can send the personal check or money order(payable at Bank Of China) to us by mail.
PS: Please tell us the Money Transfer Control Number(MTCN) and sender's first name & last name for picking up the money if you pay by Western Union.
Handling charge is no need if you pay by Western Union . US$15 of handling charge must be added into the total price if you pay by Telegraphic Transfer / Bank Account Transfer. We can receive your payment in 1~2 days if pay by Western Union , and 3~5 days if pay by Telegraphic Transfer. US$6 of handling charge for change must be added into the total price if you pay by personal check or money order, and check or money order must be wrote "pay to Li Yueyi".
Our name & address for receiving payment (if you pay by Western Union or personal check):
Name: Li Yueyi -- First Name: Yueyi , Last Name: Li
Address: Bluesky Sports Shop, Zhongguancun Nandajie 16, Beijing, China.
Postcode: 100 081
Phone No.: 010-62189648, 13051037586
Our bank account (if you pay by Telegraphic Transfer/Bank Account Transfer):
SWZFT/Routing #: BKCHCNBJ110
Tel. of Bank: +86-10-62140797
Client Account Number: 4050007-0188-026680-0
Client Name: Li Yueyi
Shipment: We will ship the goods to you as soon as receiving your payment. You can receive them in 14 days by air, 30 days by SAL, different days to different country.
Please inform us and tell us your Address and Telephone Number after sending the payment, and the shipping way & payment option you select. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Welche Art des Geldtransferes würde ihr nehmen?
Welche ist am Sichersten?
leider hat mein Doppelpartner seinen Badmintonschläger diese Woche ins Jenseits befördert.
Da er unbeindingt das gleiche Modell haben möchte (Yonex Ti-10), dieser aber schon 4 Jahre oder mehr nicht mehr hergestellt wird, geschweige denn in Deutschland noch zu bekommen ist, möchte er evtl in China bestellen.
Diese beiden Shops kommen in Frage:
Die beiden Shops sind soweit ich das in einem Badmintonforum gelesen habe, vertrauenswürdig und liefern orginal Yonex Ware.
Von einem habe ich ein Angebot bekommen:
Yonex Ti-10-New(3U/G4) Racket, 2PCS --US$113*2=US$226
Shipping Fee:
By Air: US$29
By SAL: US$16
All Total Price:
By Air: US$226 +US$29=US$255
By SAL: US$226 +US$16=US$242
Handling charge: US$15 (if you pay by Telegraphic Transfer / Bank Account Transfer.)
Handling charge: US$6 (if you pay by personal check or money order.)
All prices quoted are in US dollars. If you would like to convert US dollars to your currency, you can calculate on this website: www.xe.net/ucc/
Payment options:
1. You can send money to us online by Credit Cards on Western Union 's website ( http://www.westernunion.com ) .
2. You can send money to us by cash in Western Union 's office, you can find your local Western Union 's office on http://www.westernunion.com .
3. You can send money to our bank account by Telegraphic Transfer(Bank Account Transfer) in your local bank.
4. You can send the personal check or money order(payable at Bank Of China) to us by mail.
PS: Please tell us the Money Transfer Control Number(MTCN) and sender's first name & last name for picking up the money if you pay by Western Union.
Handling charge is no need if you pay by Western Union . US$15 of handling charge must be added into the total price if you pay by Telegraphic Transfer / Bank Account Transfer. We can receive your payment in 1~2 days if pay by Western Union , and 3~5 days if pay by Telegraphic Transfer. US$6 of handling charge for change must be added into the total price if you pay by personal check or money order, and check or money order must be wrote "pay to Li Yueyi".
Our name & address for receiving payment (if you pay by Western Union or personal check):
Name: Li Yueyi -- First Name: Yueyi , Last Name: Li
Address: Bluesky Sports Shop, Zhongguancun Nandajie 16, Beijing, China.
Postcode: 100 081
Phone No.: 010-62189648, 13051037586
Our bank account (if you pay by Telegraphic Transfer/Bank Account Transfer):
SWZFT/Routing #: BKCHCNBJ110
Tel. of Bank: +86-10-62140797
Client Account Number: 4050007-0188-026680-0
Client Name: Li Yueyi
Shipment: We will ship the goods to you as soon as receiving your payment. You can receive them in 14 days by air, 30 days by SAL, different days to different country.
Please inform us and tell us your Address and Telephone Number after sending the payment, and the shipping way & payment option you select. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Welche Art des Geldtransferes würde ihr nehmen?
Welche ist am Sichersten?